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Version: v0.27


Create a blog post by Alice

blogd tx blog create-post hello world --from alice

Show a blog post

blogd q blog show-post 0
body: world
creator: cosmos1x33ummgkjdd6h2frlugt3tft7vnc0nxyfxnx9h
id: "0"
title: hello

Create a blog post by Bob

blogd tx blog create-post foo bar --from bob

List all blog posts with pagination

blogd q blog list-post       
next_key: null
total: "2"
- body: world
creator: cosmos1x33ummgkjdd6h2frlugt3tft7vnc0nxyfxnx9h
id: "0"
title: hello
- body: bar
creator: cosmos1ysl9ws3fdamrrj4fs9ytzrrzw6ul3veddk7gz3
id: "1"
title: foo

Update a blog post

blogd tx blog update-post hello cosmos 0 --from alice
blogd q blog show-post 0
body: cosmos
creator: cosmos1x33ummgkjdd6h2frlugt3tft7vnc0nxyfxnx9h
id: "0"
title: hello

Delete a blog post

blogd tx blog delete-post 0 --from alice
blogd q blog list-post
next_key: null
total: "1"
- body: bar
creator: cosmos1ysl9ws3fdamrrj4fs9ytzrrzw6ul3veddk7gz3
id: "1"
title: foo

Delete a blog post unsuccessfully

blogd tx blog delete-post 1 --from alice
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: incorrect owner: unauthorized'