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Version: v0.27

Configuration file reference

The config.yml file generated in your blockchain folder uses key-value pairs to describe the development environment for your blockchain.

Only a default set of parameters is provided. If more nuanced configuration is required, you can add these parameters to the config.yml file.


A list of user accounts created during genesis of the blockchain.

- name: alice
coins: ['20000token', '200000000stake']
- name: bob
coins: ['10000token', '100000000stake']

Ignite uses information from accounts when initializing the chain with ignite chain init and ignite chain start. In the example above Ignite will add two accounts to the genesis.json file of the chain.

name is a local name of a key pair associated with an account. Once the chain is initialized and started, you will be able to use name when signing transactions. With the configuration above, you'd be able to sign transactions both with Alice's and Bob's accounts like so exampled tx bank send ... --from alice.

coins is a list of token balances for the account. If a token denomination is in this list, it will exist in the genesis balance and will be a valid token. When initialized with the config file above, a chain will only have two accounts at genesis (Alice and Bob) and two native tokens (with denominations token and stake).

By default, every time a chain is re-initialized, Ignite will create a new key pair for each account. So even though the account name can remain the same (bob), every chain reinitialize it will have a different mnemonic and address.

If you want an account to have a specific address, provide the address field with a valid bech32 address. The prefix (by default, cosmos) should match the one expected by your chain. When an account is provided with an address a key pair will not be generated, because it's impossible to derive a key from an address. An account with a given address will be added to the genesis file (with an associated token balance), but because there is no key pair, you will not be able to broadcast transactions from that address. This is useful when you have generated a key pair outside of Ignite (for example, using your chain's CLI or in an extension wallet) and want to have a token balance associated with the address of this key pair.

- name: bob
coins: ['20000token', '200000000stake']
address: cosmos1s39200s6v4c96ml2xzuh389yxpd0guk2mzn3mz

If you want an account to be initialized from a specific mnemonic, provide the mnemonic field with a valid mnemonic. A private key, a public key and an address will be derived from a mnemonic.

- name: bob
coins: ['20000token', '200000000stake']
mnemonic: cargo ramp supreme review change various throw air figure humble soft steel slam pole betray inhale already dentist enough away office apple sample glue

You cannot have both address and mnemonic defined for a single account.

Some accounts are used as validator accounts (see validators section). Validator accounts cannot have an address field, because Ignite needs to be able to derive a private key (either from a random mnemonic or from a specific one provided in the mnemonic field). Validator accounts should have enough tokens of the staking denomination for self-delegation.

By default, the alice account is used as a validator account, its key is derived from a mnemonic generated randomly at genesis, the staking denomination is stake, and this account has enough stake for self-delegation.

If your chain is using its own cointype, you can use the cointype field to provide the integer value

- name: bob
coins: ['20000token', '200000000stake']
cointype: 7777777


Commands like ignite chain init and ignite chain serve initialize and launch a validator node for development purposes.

- name: alice
bonded: '100000000stake'

name refers to key name in the accounts list.

bonded is the self-delegation amount of a validator. The bonded amount should not be lower than 1000000 nor higher than the account's balance in the account list.

Validators store their node configuration files in the data directory. By default, Ignite uses the name of the project as the name of the data directory, for example, $HOME/.example/. To use a different path for the data directory you can customize the home property.

Configuration in the data directory is reset frequently by Ignite. To persist some changes to configuration files you can use app, config and client properties that correspond to $HOME/.example/config/app.toml, $HOME/.example/config/config.toml and $HOME/.example/config/client.toml.

- name: alice
bonded: '100000000stake'
home: "~/.mychain"
pruning: "nothing"
moniker: "mychain"
output: "json"

To see which properties are available for config.toml, app.toml and client.toml, initialize a chain with ignite chain init and open the file you want to know more about.

Currently, Ignite starts only one validator node, so the first item in the validators list is used (the rest is ignored). Support for multiple validators is in progress.


The build property lets you customize how Ignite builds your chain's binary.

By default, Ignite builds the main package from cmd/PROJECT_NAME/main.go. If you more than one main package in your project, or you have renamed the directory, use the main property to provide the path to the main Go package:

main: cmd/hello/cmd

Ignite compiles your project into a binary and uses the project's name with a d suffix as name for the binary. To customize the binary name use the binary property:

binary: "helloworldd"

To customize the linker flags used in the build process:

ldflags: [ "-X main.Version=development", "-X main.Date=01/05/2022T19:54" ]

By default, custom protocol buffer (proto) files are located in the proto directory. If your project keeps proto files in a different directory, you should tell Ignite about this:

path: "myproto"

Ignite comes with required third-party proto out of the box. Ignite also looks into third_party/proto and proto_vendor directories for extra proto files. If your project keeps third-party proto files in a different directory, you should tell Ignite about this:

third_party_paths: ["my_third_party/proto"]


The faucet service sends tokens to addresses.

name: bob
coins: ["5token", "100000stake"]

name refers to a key name in the accounts list. This is a required property.

coins is the amount of tokens that will be sent to a user by the faucet. This is a required property.

coins_max is a maximum amount of tokens that can be sent to a single address. To reset the token limit use the rate_limit_window property (in seconds).

The default the faucet works on port 4500. To use a different port number use the port property.

name: faucet
coins: [ "100token", "5foo" ]
coins_max: [ "2000token", "1000foo" ]
port: 4500
rate_limit_window: 3600


Genesis file is the initial block in the blockchain. It is required to launch a blockchain, because it contains important information like token balances, and modules' state. Genesis is stored in $DATA_DIR/config/genesis.json.

Since the genesis file is reinitialized frequently during development, you can set persistent options in the genesis property:

bond_denom: "denom"

To know which properties a genesis file supports, initialize a chain and look up the genesis file in the data directory.

Client code generation

Ignite can generate client-side code for interacting with your chain with the ignite generate set of commands. Use the following properties to customize the paths where the client-side code is generated.

path: "docs/static/openapi.yml"
path: "ts-client"
path: "vue/src/composables"
path: "react/src/hooks"