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Version: v0.26

"Hello, World!" in 5 minutes

In this tutorial, you will create a simple blockchain with a custom query that responds with "Hello, %s!", where %s is a name provided in the query. To do this, you will use the Ignite CLI to generate most of the code, and then modify the query to return the desired response. After completing the tutorial, you will have a better understanding of how to create custom queries in a blockchain.

First, create a new hello blockchain with Ignite CLI:

ignite scaffold chain hello

Let's add a query to the blockchain we just created.

In the Cosmos SDK, a query is a request for information from the blockchain. Queries are used to retrieve data from the blockchain, such as the current state of the ledger or the details of a specific transaction. The Cosmos SDK provides a number of built-in query methods that can be used to retrieve data from the blockchain, and developers can also create custom queries to access specific data or perform complex operations. Queries are processed by the blockchain's nodes and the results are returned to the querying client.

Create a query with Ignite

To add a query, run the following command inside the hello directory:

ignite scaffold query say-hello name --response name

The ignite scaffold query command is a tool used to quickly create new queries. When you run this command, it makes changes to your source code to add the new query and make it available in your API. This command accepts a query name ("say-hello") and a list of request fields (in our case only name). The optional --response flag specifies the return values of the query.

This command made the following changes to the source code.

The proto/hello/hello/query.proto file was modified to define the request and response for a query, as well as to add the SayHello query in the Query service.

The x/hello/client/cli/query_say_hello.go file was created and added to the project. This file contains a CLI command CmdSayHello that allows users to submit a "say hello" query to the blockchain. This command allows users to interact with the blockchain in a more user-friendly way, allowing them to easily submit queries and receive responses from the blockchain.

The x/hello/client/cli/query.go was modified to add the CmdSayHello command to the CLI of the blockchain.

The x/hello/keeper/query_say_hello.go file was created with a keeper method called SayHello. This method is responsible for handling the "say hello" query, which can be called by a client using the command-line interface (CLI) or an API. When the "say hello" query is executed, the SayHello method is called to perform the necessary actions and return a response to the client. The SayHello method may retrieve data from the application's database, process the data, and return a result to the client in a specific format, such as a string of text or a data structure.

To change the source code so that the query returns the "Hello, %s!" string, modify the return statement in query_say_hello.go to return fmt.Sprintf("hello %s", req.Name).

func (k Keeper) SayHello(goCtx context.Context, req *types.QuerySayHelloRequest) (*types.QuerySayHelloResponse, error) {
if req == nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid request")

ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)

// TODO: Process the query
_ = ctx
return &types.QuerySayHelloResponse{Name: fmt.Sprintf("Hello, %s!", req.Name)}, nil

The function now returns a QuerySayHelloResponse struct with the Name field set to the string "Hello, %s!" with req.Name as the value for the %s placeholder. It also returns a nil error to indicate success.

Now that you have added a query your blockchain and modified it return the value you want, you can start your blockchain with Ignite:

ignite chain serve

After starting your blockchain, you can use its command-line interface (CLI) to interact with it and perform various actions such as querying the blockchain's state, sending transactions, and more.

You can use the hellod binary to run the say-hello query:

hellod q hello say-hello bob

Once you run this command, the hellod binary will send a say-hello query to your blockchain with the argument bob. The blockchain will process the query and return the result, which will be printed by the hellod binary. In this case, the expected result is a string containing the message Hello, bob!.

name: Hello, bob!

Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully created a new Cosmos SDK module called hello with a custom query functionality. This allows users to query the blockchain and receive a response with a personalized greeting. This tutorial demonstrated how to use Ignite CLI to create a custom query in a blockchain.

Ignite is an incredibly convenient tool for developers because it automatically generates much of the code required for a project. This saves developers time and effort by reducing the amount of code they need to write manually. With Ignite, developers can quickly and easily set up the basic structure of their project, allowing them to focus on the more complex and unique aspects of their work.

However, it is also important for developers to understand how the code generated by Ignite works under the hood. One way to do this is to implement the same functionality manually, without using Ignite. For example, in this tutorial Ignite was used to generate query functionality, now could try implementing the same functionality manually to see how it works and gain a deeper understanding of the code.

Implementing the same functionality manually can be time-consuming and challenging, but it can also be a valuable learning experience. By seeing how the code works at a low level, developers can gain a better understanding of how different components of their project fit together and how they can be customized and optimized.