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Version: v0.25

Scaffold the Nameservice Module

Scaffold a blockchain and create a nameservice module for the nameservice app. Remember, the goal of the nameservice app is to send tokens between participants so that end users can buy names and set a value to the names.

Create a Blockchain

Scaffold a new Cosmos SDK blockchain using the ignite scaffold chain command. The ignite scaffold chain command accepts one argument: the Go module path that is used for the project.

By default, a chain is scaffolded with a new empty Cosmos SDK module. You want to create the nameservice module without scaffolding a module, so use the --no-module flag:

ignite scaffold chain nameservice --no-module

This command created a new directory nameservice with a brand new Cosmos SDK blockchain. This blockchain doesn't have any application-specific logic yet, but it imports standard Cosmos SDK modules, such as auth, bank, mint, and others.

Change the current directory to nameservice:

cd nameservice

Inside the nameservice project directory you can execute other Ignite CLI commands to start a blockchain node, scaffold modules, messages, types, generate code, and much more.

Create the Module

Scaffold a new module called nameservice. By design, the nameservice module must send tokens between participants. The send tokens functionality is implemented in the standard bank module.

To specify bank as a dependency, use the optional --dep flag:

ignite scaffold module nameservice --dep bank


The Ignite CLI scaffold command has done all of the work for you!

  • The nameservice module was created in the x/nameservice directory.
  • The nameservice module was imported into the blockchain in the app/app.go file.

Now, define the actions your app can make with messages.