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Version: v0.25

Add associated comments to a blog post

In this tutorial, you create a new message to add comments to a blog post.

By completing this tutorial, you will learn about:

  • Scaffolding a new list with proto functions and keeper functions
  • Adding comments to existing blog posts
  • Querying for blog posts that have associated comments
  • Deleting comments from a blog post
  • Implementing logic for writing comments to the blockchain

Note: For this tutorial, adding comments is available only to blog posts that are no older than 100 blocks. The 100 block value has been hard coded for rapid testing. You can increase the block count to a larger number to achieve a longer time period before commenting is disabled.


This tutorial is an extension of and requires completion of the Module Basics: Build a Blog tutorial.

Core concepts

This tutorial relies on the blog blockchain that you built in the Build a Blog Tutorial.

Fetch functions using list command

To get the useful functions for this tutorial, you use the ignite scaffold list NAME [field]... [flags] command. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the command.

  1. Navigate to the blog directory that you created in the Build a blog tutorial.

  2. To create the source code files to add CRUD (create, read, update, and delete) functionality for data stored as an array, run:

ignite scaffold list comment --no-message creator:string title:string body:string postID:uint createdAt:int 

The --no-message flag disables CRUD interaction messages scaffolding because you will write your own messages.

The command output shows the files that were created and modified:

create proto/blog/comment.proto
modify proto/blog/genesis.proto
modify proto/blog/query.proto
modify vue/src/views/Types.vue
modify x/blog/client/cli/query.go
create x/blog/client/cli/query_comment.go
create x/blog/client/cli/query_comment_test.go
modify x/blog/genesis.go
modify x/blog/genesis_test.go
create x/blog/keeper/comment.go
create x/blog/keeper/comment_test.go
create x/blog/keeper/grpc_query_comment.go
create x/blog/keeper/grpc_query_comment_test.go
modify x/blog/module.go
modify x/blog/types/genesis.go
modify x/blog/types/genesis_test.go
modify x/blog/types/keys.go

🎉 comment added.

Make a small modification in proto/blog/comment.proto to change createdAt to int64:

message Comment {
uint64 id = 1;
string creator = 2;
string title = 3;
string body = 4;
uint64 postID = 5;
int64 createdAt = 6;

Add a comment to a post

To create a new message that adds a comment to the existing post, run:

ignite scaffold message create-comment postID:uint title body

The ignite scaffold message command accepts postID and a list of fields as arguments. The fields are title and body.

Here, postID is the reference to previously created blog post.

The message command has created and modified several files:

modify proto/blog/tx.proto
modify x/blog/client/cli/tx.go
create x/blog/client/cli/tx_create_comment.go
create x/blog/keeper/msg_server_create_comment.go
modify x/blog/module_simulation.go
create x/blog/simulation/create_comment.go
modify x/blog/types/codec.go
create x/blog/types/message_create_comment.go
create x/blog/types/message_create_comment_test.go

🎉 Created a message `create-comment`.

As always, start your development with a proto file.

In the proto/blog/tx.proto file, edit MsgCreateComment to:

  • Add id
  • Define the id for message MsgCreateCommentResponse:
message MsgCreateComment {
string creator = 1;
uint64 postID = 2;
string title = 3;
string body = 4;
uint64 id = 5;

message MsgCreateCommentResponse {
uint64 id = 1;

You see in the proto/blog/tx.proto file that the MsgCreateComment has five fields: creator, title, body, postID, and id. Since the purpose of the MsgCreateComment message is to create new comments in the store, the only thing the message needs to return is an ID of a created comments. The CreateComment rpc was already added to the Msg service:

rpc CreateComment(MsgCreateComment) returns (MsgCreateCommentResponse);

Now, add the id field to MsgCreatePost:

message MsgCreatePost {
string creator = 1;
string title = 2;
string body = 3;
uint64 id = 4;

Process messages

In the newly scaffolded x/blog/keeper/msg_server_create_comment.go file, you can see a placeholder implementation of the CreateComment function (marked with //TODO). Right now it does nothing and returns an empty response. For your blog chain, you want the contents of the message (title and body) to be written to the state as a new comment.

You need to do the following things:

  • Create a variable of type Comment with title and body from the message
  • Check if the comment posted for the respective blog id exists and comment is not older than 100 blocks
  • Append this Comment to the store
import (
// ...

sdkerrors ""

// ...

func (k msgServer) CreateComment(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgCreateComment) (*types.MsgCreateCommentResponse, error) {
ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)

// Check if the Post Exists for which a comment is being created
post, found := k.GetPost(ctx, msg.PostID)
if !found {
return nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrKeyNotFound, fmt.Sprintf("key %d doesn't exist", msg.Id))

// Create variable of type comment
var comment = types.Comment{
Creator: msg.Creator,
Id: msg.Id,
Body: msg.Body,
Title: msg.Title,
PostID: msg.PostID,
CreatedAt: ctx.BlockHeight(),

// Check if the comment is older than the Post. If more than 100 blocks, then return error.
if comment.CreatedAt > post.CreatedAt+100 {
return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrCommentOld, "Comment created at %d is older than post created at %d", comment.CreatedAt, post.CreatedAt)

id := k.AppendComment(ctx, comment)
return &types.MsgCreateCommentResponse{Id: id}, nil

When the Comment validity is checked, it throws 2 error messages - ErrID and ErrCommendOld. You can define the error messages by navigating to x/blog/types/errors.go and replacing the current values in 'var' with:

// ...

var (
ErrCommentOld = sdkerrors.Register(ModuleName, 1300, "")
ErrID = sdkerrors.Register(ModuleName, 1400, "")

In the existing x/blog/keeper/msg_server_create_post.go file, you need to make a modification to add createdAt

func (k msgServer) CreatePost(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgCreatePost) (*types.MsgCreatePostResponse, error) {
// Get the context
ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)

// Create variable of type Post
var post = types.Post{
Creator: msg.Creator,
Id: msg.Id,
Title: msg.Title,
Body: msg.Body,
CreatedAt: ctx.BlockHeight(),

// Add a post to the store and get back the ID
id := k.AppendPost(ctx, post)

// Return the ID of the post
return &types.MsgCreatePostResponse{Id: id}, nil

Write data to the store

When you define the Comment type in a proto file, Ignite CLI (with the help of protoc) takes care of generating the required Go files.

Inside the proto/blog/comment.proto file, you can observe, Ignite CLI has already added the required fields inside the Comment message.

The contents of the comment.proto file are fairly standard and similar to post.proto. The file defines a package name that is used to identify messages, among other things, specifies the Go package where new files are generated, and finally defines message Comment.

Each file save triggers an automatic rebuild. Now, after you build and start your chain with Ignite CLI, the Comment type is available.

Also, make a small modification in proto/blog/post.proto to add createdAt:

// ...

message Post {
// ...
int64 createdAt = 5;

Define keeper methods

The function ignite scaffold list comment --no-message has fetched all of the required functions for keeper.

Inside x/blog/types/keys.go file, you can see that the Comment/value/ and Comment/count/ keys are added.

Write data to the store

In x/blog/keeper/post.go, add a new function to get the post:

import (

sdk ""


// ...

func (k Keeper) GetPost(ctx sdk.Context, id uint64) (val types.Post, found bool) {
store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefix(types.PostKey))

bz := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bz, id)

b := store.Get(bz)
if b == nil {
return val, false

k.cdc.MustUnmarshal(b, &val)
return val, true

You have manually added the functions to x/blog/keeper/post.go.

When you ran the ignite scaffold list comment --no-message command, these functions are automatically implemented in x/blog/keeper/comment.go:

  • GetCommentCount
  • SetCommentCount
  • AppendCommentCount

By following these steps, you have implemented all of the code required to create comments and store them on-chain. Now, when a transaction that contains a message of type MsgCreateComment is broadcast, the message is routed to your blog module.

  • k.CreateComment calls AppendComment.
  • AppendComment gets the number of comments from the store, adds a comment using the count as an ID, increments the count, and returns the ID.

Create the delete-comment message

To create a message, use the message command:

ignite scaffold message delete-comment commentID:uint postID:uint 

The message commands accepts commentID and postID as arguments.

Here, commentID and postID are the references to previously created comment and blog post.

The message command has created and modified several files:

modify proto/blog/tx.proto
modify x/blog/client/cli/tx.go
create x/blog/client/cli/tx_delete_comment.go
create x/blog/keeper/msg_server_delete_comment.go
modify x/blog/module_simulation.go
create x/blog/simulation/delete_comment.go
modify x/blog/types/codec.go
create x/blog/types/message_delete_comment.go
create x/blog/types/message_delete_comment_test.go

As always, start your development with a proto file.

In the proto/blog/tx.proto file, edit MsgDeleteComment to:

  • Add id
  • Define the id for message MsgDeleteCommentResponse:
message MsgDeleteComment {
string creator = 1;
uint64 commentID = 2;
uint64 postID = 3;
uint64 id = 4;

message MsgDeleteCommentResponse {
uint64 id = 1;

Process messages

In the newly scaffolded x/blog/keeper/msg_server_delete_comment.go file, you can see a placeholder implementation of the DeleteComment function. Right now it does nothing and returns an empty response.

For your blog chain, you want to delete the contents of the comment. Add the code to:

  • Check if the post Id exists to see which comment was deleted.
  • Delete the comment from the store.
package keeper

import (

sdk ""
sdkerrors ""


func (k msgServer) DeleteComment(goCtx context.Context, msg *types.MsgDeleteComment) (*types.MsgDeleteCommentResponse, error) {
ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(goCtx)

comment, exist := k.GetComment(ctx, msg.CommentID)
if !exist {
return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrID, "Comment doesnt exist")

if msg.PostID != comment.PostID {
return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(types.ErrID, "Post Blog Id does not exist for which comment with Blog Id %d was made", msg.PostID)

store := prefix.NewStore(ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey), types.KeyPrefix(types.CommentKey))
bz := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(bz, comment.Id)

return &types.MsgDeleteCommentResponse{}, nil

Display posts

Implement logic to query existing posts:

ignite scaffold query comments id:uint --response title,body

Also in proto/blog/query.proto, make these updates:

import "blog/post.proto";

message QueryCommentsRequest {
uint64 id = 1;

// Adding pagination to request
cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageRequest pagination = 2;

// ...

message QueryCommentsResponse {
Post Post = 1;

// Returning a list of comments
repeated Comment Comment = 2;

// Adding pagination to response
cosmos.base.query.v1beta1.PageResponse pagination = 3;

After the types are defined in proto files, you can implement post querying logic in x/blog/keeper/grpc_query_comments.go by registering the Comments function:

package keeper

import (

sdk ""


func (k Keeper) Comments(c context.Context, req *types.QueryCommentsRequest) (*types.QueryCommentsResponse, error) {
// Throw an error if request is nil
if req == nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid request")

// Define a variable that will store a list of posts
var comments []*types.Comment

// Get context with the information about the environment
ctx := sdk.UnwrapSDKContext(c)

// Get the key-value module store using the store key (in this case store key is "chain")
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)

// Get the part of the store that keeps posts (using post key, which is "Post-value-")
commentStore := prefix.NewStore(store, []byte(types.CommentKey))

// Get the post by ID
post, _ := k.GetPost(ctx, req.Id)

// Get the post ID
postID := post.Id

// Paginate the posts store based on PageRequest
pageRes, err := query.Paginate(commentStore, req.Pagination, func(key []byte, value []byte) error {
var comment types.Comment
if err := k.cdc.Unmarshal(value, &comment); err != nil {
return err

if comment.PostID == postID {
comments = append(comments, &comment)

return nil

// Throw an error if pagination failed
if err != nil {
return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error())

// Return a struct containing a list of posts and pagination info
return &types.QueryCommentsResponse{Post: &post, Comment: comments, Pagination: pageRes}, nil

Note: Since gRPC has been already added to module handler in the previous tutorial, you don't need to add it again.

Create post and comment

Try it out!

If the chain is yet not started, run ignite chain serve -r.

Create a post:

blogd tx blog create-post Uno "This is the first post" --from alice

As before, you are prompted to confirm the transaction:

{"body":{"messages":[{"@type":"/","creator":"blog1uamq9d6zj5p7lvzyhjugg8drkrcqckxtvj99ac","title":"Uno","body":"This is the first post","id":"0"}],"memo":"","timeout_height":"0","extension_options":[],"non_critical_extension_options":[]},"auth_info":{"signer_infos":[],"fee":{"amount":[],"gas_limit":"200000","payer":"","granter":""}},"signatures":[]}

Create a comment:

blogd tx blog create-comment 0  Uno "This is the first comment" --from alice
{"body":{"messages":[{"@type":"/","creator":"blog1uamq9d6zj5p7lvzyhjugg8drkrcqckxtvj99ac","postID":"0","title":"Uno","body":"This is the first comment","id":"0"}],"memo":"","timeout_height":"0","extension_options":[],"non_critical_extension_options":[]},"auth_info":{"signer_infos":[],"fee":{"amount":[],"gas_limit":"200000","payer":"","granter":""}},"signatures":[]}

When prompted, press Enter to confirm the transaction:

confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting [y/N]: y

Display post and comment

blogd q blog comments 0

The results are output:

- body: This is the first comment
createdAt: "58"
creator: blog1uamq9d6zj5p7lvzyhjugg8drkrcqckxtvj99ac
id: "0"
postID: "0"
title: Uno
body: This is the first post
createdAt: "51"
creator: blog1uamq9d6zj5p7lvzyhjugg8drkrcqckxtvj99ac
id: "0"
title: Uno
next_key: null
total: "1"

Delete comment

blogd tx blog delete-comment 0 0 --from alice -y

Display the post and all associated comments

blogd q blog comments 0

The results are output:

Comment: []
body: This is the first post
createdAt: "12"
creator: blog12s696u0wutt42kc297td5naxgxtvtxdlsg07n2
id: "0"
title: Uno
next_key: null
total: "0"

Edge cases

  1. Add comment to a nonexistent blog id:
blogd tx blog create-comment 53 "Edge1"  "This is the 53 comment" --from alice -y

The transaction is not able to be completed because the blog id does not exist:

code: 22
codespace: sdk
data: ""
- attributes:
- index: false
key: ZmVl
value: ""
type: tx
- attributes:
- index: false
key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
value: Y29zbW9zMXVhbXE5ZDZ6ajVwN2x2enloanVnZzhkcmtyY3Fja3h0dmo5OWFjLzQ=
type: tx
- attributes:
- index: false
key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
value: NEdGejY1WGFjc0cvR1BEOVgxSDh4NmU5NTZEM1hxZ0txdnlWcmVVZ2JSRThTbkRHNjdmN29rNm9uWDhhVjgzb3NFcDh2eWg3RnNIRE1CaU9VL3QwMlE9PQ==
type: tx
gas_used: "41385"
gas_wanted: "200000"
height: "90"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: key 0 doesn''t exist: key not
timestamp: ""
tx: null
  1. Add comment to a blog post that is older than 100 blocks:
blogd tx blog create-comment 0 "Comment" "This is a comment" --from alice -y

The transaction is not executed:

code: 1300
codespace: blog
data: ""
- attributes:
- index: false
key: ZmVl
value: ""
type: tx
- attributes:
- index: false
key: YWNjX3NlcQ==
value: Y29zbW9zMXVhbXE5ZDZ6ajVwN2x2enloanVnZzhkcmtyY3Fja3h0dmo5OWFjLzEy
type: tx
- attributes:
- index: false
key: c2lnbmF0dXJl
type: tx
gas_used: "41569"
gas_wanted: "200000"
height: "154"
info: ""
logs: []
raw_log: 'failed to execute message; message index: 0: Comment created at 154 is older
than post created at 51: '
timestamp: ""
tx: null
txhash: 5BFBEE017952376851D7989E7AF5B60A29B98AD2F7812EC271C154575F386AD6


Congratulations. You have added comments to your blog blockchain!

You have successfully completed these steps:

  • Scaffolding a new list with proto functions and keeper functions
  • Add comments to existing blog post
  • Display the blog post by ID with associated comments
  • Delete comments from a given blog post