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Version: nightly

Configuration file example

Structure of the config.yml file

validation: (string) # Specifies the type of validation the blockchain uses (e.g., sovereign).
version: (uint) # Defines the configuration version number.
build: # Contains build configuration options.
main: (string) # Path to the main build file.
binary: (string) # Path to the binary file.
ldflags: (string list) # List of custom linker flags for building the binary.
proto: # Contains proto build configuration options.
path: (string) # Relative path where the application's proto files are located.
accounts: (list) # Lists the options for setting up Cosmos Accounts.
name: (string) # Local name associated with the Account's key pair.
coins: (string list) # List of token balances for the account.
mnemonic: (string) # Mnemonic phrase for the account.
address: (string) # Address of the account.
cointype: (string) # Coin type number for HD derivation (default is 118).
account_number: (string) # Account number for HD derivation (must be ≤ 2147483647).
address_index: (string) # Address index number for HD derivation (must be ≤ 2147483647).
faucet: # Configuration for the faucet.
name: (string) # Name of the faucet account.
coins: (string list) # Types and amounts of coins the faucet distributes.
coins_max: (string list) # Maximum amounts of coins that can be transferred to a single user.
rate_limit_window: (string) # Timeframe after which the limit will be refreshed.
host: (string) # Host address of the faucet server.
port: (uint) # Port number for the faucet server.
client: # Configures client code generation.
typescript: # Relative path where the application's Typescript files are located.
path: (string) # Relative path where the application's Typescript files are located.
composables: # Configures Vue 3 composables code generation.
path: (string) # Relative path where the application's composable files are located.
hooks: # Configures React hooks code generation.
path: (string) # Relative path where the application's hooks files are located.
openapi: # Configures OpenAPI spec generation for the API.
path: (string) # Relative path where the application's OpenAPI files are located.
genesis: (key/value) # Custom genesis block modifications. Follow the nesting of the genesis file here to access all the parameters.
minimal: (bool) # Indicates if the blockchain is minimal with the required Cosmos SDK modules.
validators: (list) # Contains information related to the list of validators and settings.
name: (string) # Name of the validator.
bonded: (string) # Amount staked by the validator.
app: (key/value) # Overwrites the appd's config/app.toml configurations.
config: (key/value) # Overwrites the appd's config/config.toml configurations.
client: (key/value) # Overwrites the appd's config/client.toml configurations.
home: (string) # Overwrites the default home directory used for the application.
gentx: # Overwrites the appd's config/gentx.toml configurations.
amount: (string) # Amount for the current Gentx.
moniker: (string) # Optional moniker for the validator.
home: (string) # Directory for configuration and data.
keyring-backend: (string) # Backend for the keyring.
chain-id: (string) # Network chain ID.
commission-max-change-rate: (string) # Maximum commission change rate percentage per day.
commission-max-rate: (string) # Maximum commission rate percentage (e.g., 0.01 = 1%).
commission-rate: (string) # Initial commission rate percentage (e.g., 0.01 = 1%).
details: (string) # Optional details about the validator.
security-contact: (string) # Optional security contact email for the validator.
website: (string) # Optional website for the validator.
account-number: (int) # Account number of the signing account (offline mode only).
broadcast-mode: (string) # Transaction broadcasting mode (sync|async|block) (default is 'sync').
dry-run: (bool) # Simulates the transaction without actually performing it, ignoring the --gas flag.
fee-account: (string) # Account that pays the transaction fees instead of the signer.
fee: (string) # Fee to pay with the transaction (e.g.: 10uatom).
from: (string) # Name or address of the private key used to sign the transaction.
gas: (string) # Gas limit per transaction; set to 'auto' to calculate sufficient gas automatically (default is 200000).
gas-adjustment: (string) # Factor to multiply against the estimated gas (default is 1).
gas-prices: (string) # Gas prices in decimal format to determine the transaction fee (e.g., 0.1uatom).
generate-only: (bool) # Creates an unsigned transaction and writes it to STDOUT.
identity: (string) # Identity signature (e.g., UPort or Keybase).
ip: (string) # Node's public IP address (default is '').
keyring-dir: (string) # Directory for the client keyring; defaults to the 'home' directory if omitted.
ledger: (bool) # Uses a connected Ledger device if true.
min-self-delegation: (string) # Minimum self-delegation required for the validator.
node: (string) # <host>:<port> for the Tendermint RPC interface (default 'tcp://localhost:26657')
node-id: (string) # Node's NodeID
note: (string) # Adds a description to the transaction (formerly --memo).
offline: (bool) # Operates in offline mode, disallowing any online functionality.
output: (string) # Output format (text|json) (default 'json').
output-document: (string) # Writes the genesis transaction JSON document to the specified file instead of the default location.
pubkey: (string) # Protobuf JSON encoded public key of the validator.
sequence: (uint) # Sequence number of the signing account (offline mode only).
sign-mode: (string) # Chooses sign mode (direct|amino-json), an advanced feature.
timeout-height: (uint) # Sets a block timeout height to prevent the transaction from being committed past a certain height.